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Here's a list of frequently asked questions about the services I provide and how they can help you. Please message me with any further questions you have and I'll be happy to talk you through things in more detail

Q: I'm self conscious about my body...what should I do?

A: You don't have to do anything at all. There is nothing you have that I haven't seen before and nothing you need to apologise for or be embarrassed about. All bodies are different and beautiful and I have no problem massaging anyone with body hair, spots, extra weight or anything else that you might feel self-conscious about. The only time I wouldn't massage you is if you have something contagious such as verrucas, shingles or cold sores, or if you have sunburn or something else that is contraindicated. If you're concerned, please email me at and ask any questions. I'm more than happy to put your mind at ease before you make any commitment to booking with me.

Q: Do I have to take all my clothes off?

A: After our consultation, I leave the room for you to undress (unless you're pregnant or have a particular disability that requires assistance but your modesty is always protected) and you can then undress to your underpants and get under the sheet before I return to the room. However, if you have a particular concern or you just don't want to undress fully, I am more than happy to work with your particular comfort level.

Q: Does massage hurt?

A: It depends what massage you come in for but the only time massage will potentially hurt is if you have a knot in your muscle that I can help to ease. I try and be as considerate of your comfort level as possible and will always check in with you to make sure I'm not doing anything that is unbearable, but I will ensure that the rest of your massage is as relaxing as possible. Some people prefer a deep massage, which can be painful but we can discuss the various techniques during your consultation; you don't have to decide until the day and we don't have to stick to your initial decision if you change your mind halfway through.

Q: I don't have tense muscles, do I still need to see a massage therapist?

A: Massage isn't just for people who are experiencing painful or tense muscles. It's a wonderful preventative treatment that helps improve circulation, lowers cortisol levels, stimulates the lymphatic system, improves mental alertness, aids relaxation, improves sleep quality, and boosts the immune system. It's often seen as a treat but consider it part of your body's overall maintenance.

Q: What if I fall asleep?

A: I can tell you that falling asleep is one of the biggest compliments you can pay a massage therapist! If you snore, I know I'm doing my job properly, so by all means, let yourself completely relax and snore away! It's music to my ears



Q: What if I break wind during my massage?

A: Everyone breaks wind and if you do it during a massage, it just means that you're relaxed. I understand people can be embarrassed by it, so if you really need to, we can stop the session so you can go to the bathroom. It's absolutely fine for you to stop the massage for a comfort break but equally, it's absolutely fine if you just want to relax and let it go! 

Q: Do I need to talk during my massage?


A: When you book a massage with me, I want you to have the experience that makes you most comfortable, so I will be as chatty or as quiet as you like and will take your lead. Whatever your preference, please do speak up if you want more or less pressure, if you are feeling uncomfortable, if you need to go to the bathroom, or blow your nose so that your experience is as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

Q: What does "kink aware" mean?

A: It means that whatever your lifestyle, Mayura Wellbeing accepts you as you are. People in the kink community can often come up against judgement from people who know little to nothing about the lifestyle and I don't feel like your personal life should hinder you from looking after your wellbeing. You are free to be yourself with me in whatever way you feel comfortable.



Q: Do you offer "extras"?

A: No. I have nothing against sex work but it's not what I do and it's not what a majority of professional massage therapists do either. We don't go through all the training we do just to get propositioned for sexual services. Please search for people in your local area that offer sensual massage treatments such as escorts. Any request for sexual services will result in the massage being stopped immediately and no refund will be offered.


Q: Why don't you massage men?

Owing to the obscene messages I receive from straight men thinking that I do "extras", I don't go to men's houses unless they are the partners of my existing clients, or have been recommended by my clients. and only after a phone consultation. I never wanted to exclude anyone from my treatments but my safety is more important. 


I had a deep tissue massage and o my goodness what an amazing experience, my whole back is so much better now, I had a knotted back, but in my session every knot was taken care of. I will be returning to try all the different massages as I couldn’t recommend my treatment more highly. I will be booking the deep tissue massage for my husband as he has a bad back.
Caz was my therapist and she was brilliant she offered me different levels of pressure that I could change at any time during my massage.
So my massage was both vigorous and relaxing. What an amazing massage


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